50 Resident Events You Can Do All Year

You’re here for an ultimate list of resident events that will wow, improve retention, and show resident appreciation. We’ve compiled 50 resident events property managers and leasing professionals can organize all year.

Jump to a specific category and get going!

Virtual • Grab-and-Go • Budget-Friendly • Host on Social Media • Luxury • Student Living • 55+ Living

apartment community resident event list ideas free download

Virtual Resident Events

Live fitness class

A great way to boost engagement and endorphins! Set up easy goals that your residents (maybe you and your team) can enjoy doing together. It doesn’t have to be a crazy WOD!

Here are a few fitness activity ideas:

  • Walk around your complex or neighborhood.

  • Morning jumping jacks to get the blood circulating.

  • Bring in a local fitness instructor from a nearby gym or yoga studio. Challenge them to join virtually at their own convenience or even set up a meeting spot you can all do together.

    Bonus: Encourage tags, photos, shares, and comments!


Netflix watch party

Help your residents simultaneously tune in virtually and watch their favorite TV shows or movies while live-chatting with their neighbors. Entertainment + Engagement = Happy Social Distancing.

How To Do It:

  • Go to netflixparty.com on a Google Chrome browser and click "Get Netflix Party for free!" Click "Add to Chrome" and then click "Add extension" in the pop-up window. Netflix Party will then be added to the top right corner of your Google Chrome browser with the initials "NP."

  • Using your Google Chrome browser, go to Netflix.com, and select the show or movie you want to watch. Then click the "NP" button on your browser. Important: you'll have the option of making yourself the one in charge. If you don't, anybody in your party will be able to take control.

  • Click "Start the Party" and copy the URL that appears. Send this URL along with instructions on how to download Netflix Party to all your residents that rsvp’d.


Virtual bingo

Stay connected with your residents while also giving them ideas on how to spend their time at home.

Use social media to share a bingo card about at-home activities and invite others to share their completed card too!
Tip: you might want to share yours first so they get the idea!


Virtual talent show

Do you have a secret talent? Do any of your residents?? You’d be surprised what talents some people have if you ask! Host this virtual event to bring your community together. You’ll learn more about your residents, and have some fun while doing it!
How To Do It:

  • Pick a submissions deadline, and let your residents know!

  • If you are nervous about having participation in a live meeting, no worries! This event can be organized in advance free of technological difficulties.

  • Promote, promote, promote! Encourage your residents to join the fun by reacting positively to ANY talent. No talent is too small! All of your residents deserve to feel valued.

  • Ask residents to submit videos or photos of their performance and you can repost them to your social media feeds. Facebook works great for video engagement. People can react to videos with one click to show their support.

    • TIP: Create a playlist on Facebook or IGTV, and use a clear title. “_______ Apartments Hosts: Social Distance Talent Show”

    • Add all the video submissions there.

Grab-and-go Resident Events

Breakfast treats

The best way to your resident’s hearts is through their stomach!

The options are endless:

  • Breakfast tacos

  • Granola bars

  • Muffins, pastries, or donuts

  • Chick-fil-A mini sandwiches

Super easy to have this set up and people can swing by to pick up what they need!


Happy hour drinks

Ready to take the fun factor up a bit? Host a Happy Hour, but make it grab-n-go. A lot of residents love the idea of a happy hour on their own patio. Invite residents to RSVP for a boozy, pre-packaged pack.

A Few Ideas:

  • Sangria

  • Wine - mini bottles work great

  • Margarita kit with a mini bottle of tequila, sparkling water, & lime

  • Want to make it fancy? Get mini bottles of champagne


Chips and Sips

In high school, my favorite snack was a bag of Ghardetto Mustard Pretzels and a Diet Coke (I know…a champion diet!). But sometimes a bag of salty chips and a cold coke hits the spot.

Put together mini goodie bags with a variety of chips & sips that your residents can choose from.


Take-and-bake dessert

Building your community through events doesn’t mean every event has to be hosted in your community room. Some residents don’t love to socialize but still appreciate an alternative event. Enter the Take & Bake event.

You provide the ingredients, they take it home… everyone wins!


Pet Treats

Yappy Hour: Pets, treats, toys, (and retention)! Show your community’s pets some love with this paw-some event!

DO IT NOW IN 1-2-3:

  1. Purchase some dog treats and maybe some pet brushes and tennis balls.

  2. Invite residents to stop by the office with their pets for a gift.

    Pro tip: Make sure to take pics of all the pets to post and show how pet-friendly you really are!

Suggested social post:

Set up a playdate with your BFF (best furry friend) and _________Apartments! Join us for a Yappy Hour To-Go on ___(date) at ___ (time). We’ll have treats and sips!


Trail Mix

Simply purchase individual trail mix packets or make your own! Post on social media and on your resident portal to let your residents know you have a tasty snack waiting for them!

NOTE: Be sure to disclose all the ingredients as nut allergies are quite common.


Skincare Face Masks

Basket option:

  • Arrange the face masks in a basket.

  • Have a stack of marketing flyers next to the basket so your residents can come in and scoop one up on their way home to their bubble bath + mask!

Treat bag option:

  • Inside each treat bag place a ¼ page flyer and a face mask.

  • Have those in a basket or somewhere where your residents can easily come on by and pick one up.

  • Make sure to post on social media to remind your residents to come on down for a relaxing treat! 


Take-and-Bake Brownies

This is the easiest way to get some brownie points with your residents!

DO IT NOW IN 1-2-3: 

  1. Pick up some brownies on your way to work at your local bakery or grocery store.

  2. Use a sign in a frame where residents and prospects can quickly see when they walk in the door.

    • Buy yourself some time: If residents or prospects walk in, invite them to grab a brownie and coffee, make themselves comfy, and you’ll be with them shortly!

  3. Post on social (if you can handle the extra traffic).

    Social Post Suggestion: “A little-known fact: Brownie calories don’t count on Sundays. Believe us…it’s science. Come in and grab some brownies and a cup of coffee at the leasing office between the hours of ______ (time) and ______ (time). We’d love to say hello!”


Coloring Pages and Supplies

Stay connected with your residents while also giving them something therapeutic to do.

Bonus: get them to share their finished piece on social!

3 Benefits of Coloring:

  1. Stress and anxiety levels have the potential to be lowered while your brain experiences relief.

  2. Unplugging from technology is always a good thing.

  3. Everyone can color, not just artists or creative types.


Gift Bag of Candy

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you!

Anytime is a good time to roll out treats for your residents.

How to do it:

Purchase a variety of sweet treats to put together a sweet spread for your residents. We recommend 7-10 varieties… you’re almost sure to please everyone! Make this Covid-Friendly and have everything prepackaged for easy grab-and-go.

Announce on social media and invite residents to come by the office.

Now you can sit back and watch these sweet treats put a smile on your resident’s faces! :)
Bonus: Snap pics, share on social, and get more mileage out of your events!


Surprise Friendly Note

Imagine it’s Monday morning, and you’re rushing to get out the door. You get to your car and see a note that says “Have a great day, number one mom!” or “You’re the best resident. We are thankful for you!”

That would make our day, and we are sure your residents would love it too! Spread the love and make someone’s day with an unexpected surprise note.


DIY Plant Bar

Plant babies. Plant Mom. Plant Whisperer. Plant culture is a major thing right now and we love it!

  • Purchase some potted plants or herb growing kits.

  • Set up a plant bar in the leasing office so your residents can just pop in and take a plant or grow kit with them!


Sidewalk Chalk Party

Entertain your residents and brighten up your community with a sidewalk chalk event!

Spread the word and set out a bucket of chalk sets!

Bonus: snap pics and share the artwork on your social media pages.



There is simply something magical about storytime.

Let someone on your team become a teacher/librarian for 30 minutes in-person or via Zoom. Let your residents know when story hour will be or have them rsvp to receive your zoom link.



Keep things interesting for your residents by hosting a fun giveaway this month. You pick the prize…big or small! Consider giving away a gift certificate for some pampering!

Tip: Communicate all the details. Let your residents know about the giveaway with details of the prize and how to enter. Be sure to also let them know when the winner will be announced. Once you draw for the winner, announce it on social media!


Lemonade Stand

To spike or not to spike. Kiddo lemonade vs adult lemonade 😉

  • Start by setting up your table with your lemonade decor and cups or jars.

  • Keep it simple for the kid’s lemonade by using the simple water and mix recipe or go homemade if you want to make it extra special! 

  • Spike it up for the adult version! Check out this recipe we found on Pinterest.

  • Now it’s time to get this party started!

  • If you decide to have both the kid lemonade and the adult lemonade together, make sure to LABEL THE DRINK DISPENSER ACCORDINGLY! You won’t want to deal with that little mix-up! 😜We recommend setting up different tables too for a little extra peace of mind! 

Feeling overwhelmed with resident events? We can help.

get the full list, including:

Host on Social Media


Student Living

55+ Living


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