#08 - Show Me the Money: Follow Up & Planning an Outreach Blitz

Follow up and planning an outreach blitz for your apartment community or real estate property

We are wrapping up our mini training series on outreach marketing and we’re ending it with my favorite piece of the outreach puzzle. To me this is what reallyyyy separates you from your competitors and is the difference in the level of results that you’ll see.

This is what separates the boys from the men, the girls from the straight up lady bosses. It’s where the rubber meet the road, where the difference is made. It’s important, it’s huge, it’s super duper crucial. 

Okay, have we peaked your interest enough?? It’s FOLLOW UP! This is such an important step because 50% of prospects never receive a follow up, which is bonkers to me! This stat (as slightly depressing as it is) should show you why unbelievably important it is for you and your team to have & stick to a follow up plan. 

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Here are some tips and tricks you’ll learn in this episode of Marketing Home, Marketing You:

  • The MUST DO steps and questions to answer in your pre-outreach marketing planning sesh. 

    Whether you’re heading out with a team or you’re a one woman/man show, this tip is not something you’re going to want to skip. The best part (besides the organization and killer results)? It’s not something that takes a long time to get together. A quick team meeting before you hit the road will do the trick. 

  • How to think through what collateral or digital resources you need to take on your outing so you can make the most out of all your encounters with your potential leads. 

    They won’t all be hot leads, and that’s okay. Just plant the seed! But, for those people you encounter that might show more interest, you need to be prepared with what you’ll want to give them and how you want to give it. (Digitally through email, paper handout, sky writing, etc?) 

  • Answers to the big follow-up questions: how to let them know you’ll follow up, how to follow up with different people who had different interest levels, how frequently to follow up with prospects, etc. 

    You may be having a good conversation but never forget to let them know how they can expect to hear more, and with varying interest comes varying follow up tactics. It’s an art for sure, but not one that’s impossible to get the hang of! 

follow up and outreach marketing blitz planning for apartment communities and real estate properties

This episode is jam-packed with tips to step up your outreach marketing game and once you implement these little outreach secrets you’re going to start seeing your efforts pay off tremendously. Having a consistent follow up strategy is going to make ALL. THE. DIFFERENCE. We promise. Not only will the results come, but you’ll feel more comfortable and confident in your outreach marketing ability and strategy. 

Tune in and SUBSCRIBE to Marketing Home, Marketing You on either Spotify or iTunes.