#90: Your Apartment Community Marketing Playbook and Marketing Themes

Hey multifamily friend! I’m glad you’re here!

As we enter a new year and goal setting is top-of-the-mind for most, I’d love to share with you one of my favorite approaches to progressive improvement…the kind that sticks!

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear makes a case for going small in your goals.

For all of my high-achievers, don’t tune out. This is good stuff, I promise!

It is so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making small improvements on a daily basis. Too often, we convince ourselves that massive success requires massive action.

If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. Conversely, if you get 1% worse each day for a year, you’ll decline nearly down to zero.” -James Clear

I’m a fan of ditching the overwhelm that comes with overhauling.

“New year, new me,” can feel like a lot of pressure.

What if instead, it’s “New Year, 1% Better Me?”

Now that feels doable.

A laser focus on small, consistent actions can lead to significant changes in a year. (Check out Figure 1 from Atomic Habits.)

What about when it comes to apartment marketing?

What would happen if we focused on small actions done daily to become better apartment marketers?

We are kicking off the year with this exact approach on the Marketing Home, Marketing You podcast.

Here’s what you can expect to learn when you tune in:

>>Swipe my Marketing Playbook. I’ll be sharing my foundational steps to simplifying marketing.

>> This month’s theme: Marketing Themes to Simplify Your Marketing Strategy

>> Join our Level Up Your Career Challenge: 30 actionable, small steps to level up your career in 2023. Pick one to do each day!

Alright friends, let’s do this.

Let’s commit to showing up consistently.

To become better multifamily marketers together…1% better. 😉

Barbara, Your Marketing Sidekick & Biggest Cheerleader

Join the challenge

Submit for a chance to win a $200 Amazon Gift Card!

Get 30 tasks that will set you up for success in the new year.



If you'd like to submit a question or suggestion for an upcoming interview, join our membership at trysproutfree.com, free of charge. You will also get access to our monthly marketing magazine. You can also DM me on Instagram @sproutmarketing or message me on LinkedIn at Barbara S.