Sprout Marketing

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Finish 2019 Strong with These Ready-To-Download Marketing Tools!

We’re winding down 2019 (like, what?? How did this happen so quickly?) and as we always say at Sprout, this is not the time of year to take your foot off the gas, but rather to keep going and finish the year off strong. Even if you feel more like this (—>) when you finish the year, at least you finished!

We know that the end of the year can feel even more busy than usual but we don’t want you to neglect planning for this last month of the year. In fact, this is a great time to celebrate creative holidays with your residents while they’re already in the mood to celebrate. This season is also a great time to get out there and do some outreach marketing around your community. 

If you want to make your marketing efforts as easy as possible, while still being effective, then these done-for-you bundles in our Sprout Shop is the way to go. Couple those bundles with a FREE download of our Creative Holiday Calendar and you’re GOLDEN for the rest of the year.

Why does winter also mean that leasing traffic comes to a screeching halt? If you’re hearing crickets at your community leasing office, then it’s time to hit the road to drum up some interest.

We’ve made it SOOOOO easy… we’ve already put your outreach packets together. Just order below and staple your business card to the top when they arrive!


Grab a bundle and….

  1. Stop in to one business on your way home from work.

  2. Leave a few bundles at your children’s school.

  3. Ask every employee to visit one location on their lunch break (and give them a few extra minutes for lunch)!

  4. Start a few minutes early and visit 1-2 locations on your way to work.

  5. Leave a few bundles while you are out running errands: at the bank, drive thru, getting your nails done, etc.

RENEWAL Bundles and 10 ways to use them

Sometimes you have a large budget for renewal gifts and sometimes you have a very tight budget. But regardless, it is a touchpoint that we never want to overlook. We’re making it easier than ever to make sure you have something in hand to thank your residents with when they renew! Check out our 3 new winter “Thank You” bundles below!

10 Ways To Use your Done-For-You Bundles to wow those residents

Grab a bundle and….

  1. Give it to a resident after they pay their rent on time

  2. Use it as a maintenance leave-behind after completing a request

  3. Leave a basket of goodies in common areas: fitness center, business office, clothes care center, mailroom, etc.

  4. As an extra surprise when a resident picks up a package

  5. After a resident event, give away bundles as a “Thanks for attending!”

  6. As an “I’m sorry!” after we make a mistake or when a service request takes longer than expected

  7. When someone renews their lease

  8. After a resident refers someone to lease

  9. When someone gives a kind testimonial

  10. As part of your social media content (“Next three people to comment on our latest post get a goodie…”)

See this gallery in the original post

Grab your FREE download of our Creative Calendar and plan your month

Sneak Peak of some creative holidays…

  • December 3rd: Day of Giving (SPROUT MEMBERS: Check out Daily Dose #519 for a giveback event + graphics, flyers, and customizable designs.)

  • December 7th: Cotton Candy Day (SPROUT MEMBERS: Follow-Up Daily Dose #392 is PERFECT for this day and is always a hit with our members who use it.)

  • December 15th: Cupcake Day (SPROUT MEMBERS: Use referral Daily Dose #175 to have the easiest and sweetest way to encourage referrals.)

Do you want a better way to plan every month’s marketing initiatives? Then our Daily Dose Planning Kit is what you need in your life. It gives you our secret sauce method to help you reach your occupancy and retention goals in just 7 minutes or less per day! Can’t beat that, am I right?

Looking for some gifts for your leasing agents or property managers? We have the perfect options!

See this gallery in the original post